Procons Academy

Project Data Analysis and Visualization using Power BI

Project Data Analysis and Visualization using Power BI Certified Course

Throughout the course, you’ll learn how to seamlessly connect to a variety of data sources and wield the power of Power Query Editor to clean and transform your data into a structured and useful format. You’ll discover how to create intricate data models by establishing relationships between datasets and using Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) to derive meaningful insights.

Next, you’ll dive into the world of data visualization, where you’ll design interactive visuals such as charts, graphs, and maps that convey your data’s story with clarity and impact. You’ll master the art of building interactive dashboards equipped with slicers and filters, enabling users to explore data from different angles.

As you progress, you’ll learn how to publish and share your reports effortlessly on the Power BI service, ensuring that your insights reach the right audience. You’ll explore integration with other Microsoft tools, maximizing the utility of Power BI within your organization’s ecosystem.

Course Details

Lecturer and Instructors

- Mr. K.A.P.A Rathnathilake
B.Sc. (Applied Science), Cert. Oracle, Java, Linux. Instructor Gr. II Uva Wellassa University,

Course Duration & Times

15 Hours - 5 Session from 7.30 pm -10.00 pm on every Saturday

Batch Number & Starting Date

Batch starts on September 28th - Saturday

Eligibility Requirements

Anyone Interested learn about Power BI. It can be IT Field, Business Professionals and any other fields.

PMI Authorized Training Partner in sri lanka

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Course Content

  • In this course, you'll start with an introduction to Microsoft Power BI, gaining an understanding of its role in data analysis and visualization. You'll learn about the key components and features that make Power BI a powerful tool for working with data.
  • You'll delve into the Power BI Desktop application, where you'll create, edit, and refine your data models and visualizations. This includes learning how to connect to data sources and navigate the user interface of Power BI Desktop.
  • Building on your knowledge of Power BI Desktop, you'll learn how to create various types of visualizations, such as charts, graphs, and tables. You'll also explore formatting options to make your visuals clear and engaging.
  • Specific visualization types like matrices and bar charts will be covered in detail. You'll understand when and how to use these visualizations effectively to represent different types of data.
  • You'll learn how to add interactive elements and controls to your visualizations, allowing users to filter and drill down into the data for deeper insights.
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), gauges, and cards are crucial for tracking performance metrics. You'll discover how to create these elements to measure and display important business metrics.
  • Data transformations are a vital part of data analysis. You'll explore how to transform and clean data using Power BI's transformation tools. Additionally, you'll learn about data modeling and the use of functions to create calculated columns and measures for advanced analysis.
  • Data transformations are a vital part of data analysis. You'll explore how to transform and clean data using Power BI's transformation tools. Additionally, you'll learn about data modeling and the use of functions to create calculated columns and measures for advanced analysis.
  • Dashboards serve as a centralized hub for data visualization. You'll understand how to create and customize dashboards in Power BI, combining various visualizations and elements to tell a comprehensive data-driven story.

Completed 4+ Batches

Internationally Valid Certification

15 PMI approved contact hours

Benefits on Participating this course

Enhanced Data Analysis Skills:

You'll develop advanced data analysis skills, allowing you to extract meaningful insights from complex datasets.

Proficiency with Power BI:

The course will make you proficient in using Microsoft Power BI, a leading tool for data visualization and analysis.

Improved Project Decision-Making:

With the ability to analyze and visualize project data effectively, you can make more informed decisions.

Interactive Data Visualization:

You'll learn how to create interactive dashboards and visualizations that allow users to explore data and gain insights on their own.