Procons Academy

Data Visualization and Presentation Techniques using power BI

Visualize data to empower decisions, transforming apparel management!


Unveil the secrets of transforming data into impactful visuals and informed decisions with our comprehensive training programme. Learn how to leverage Power BI to craft compelling presentations tailored to the apparel industry’s needs. Elevate your managerial skills and drive business success through effective data visualization and presentation techniques.

Course Details


Mr. Prabath Anuradha

B.Sc. (Applied Science), Cert. Oracle, Java, Linux. Instructor Gr. II
Uva Wellassa University

Programme objectives

  • Equip participants with practical skills in utilizing Power BI for data analysis and visualization in the apparel industry.
  • Ensure proficiency in data preparation and transformation within Power BI for accurate decision-making.
  • Enable participants to create compelling, industry-specific visualizations and dashboards.
  • Enhance analytical capabilities through advanced visualization techniques for actionable insights.

Target Audience


Course Duration & Times

2 hrs per week



What you will learn.

  • Overview of Power BI: Interface, features, and capabilities
  • Understanding visual communication and its role in decision-making
  • Importing data from various sources into Power BI
  • Introduction to different types of charts and graphs and when to use them
  • Techniques for importing and cleaning data within Power BI
  • Understanding data relationships and creating effective data models
  • Techniques for transforming and shaping data for visualization purposes
  • Working with complex data structures and handling outliers and missing values
  • Creating simple charts and graphs in Power BI
  • Incorporating interactivity elements like filters, slicers, and drill-downs
  • Strategies for designing interactive dashboards for effective data exploration
  • Techniques for customizing visuals and formatting dashboards for clarity and aesthetics
  • Creating advanced visuals such as geographic maps, custom visuals, and KPIs
  • Introduction to Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) for creating calculated columns and measures
  • Techniques for crafting compelling narratives and storytelling using data
  • Tips for presenting insights effectively, including layout, storytelling, and audience engagement strategies

Learning outcomes

By the end of the training programme, participants will be able to

  • Master Power BI, utilizing its features for data analysis and visualization effectively. 
  • Excel in data preparation, ensuring accuracy and proficiency in handling complex data structures. 
  • Craft impactful visualizations and interactive dashboards, adeptly communicating insights through storytelling. 
  • Advance analytical skills, creating advanced visuals and performing complex calculations for informed decision-making.


Participants will be tasked with creating interactive dashboards and reports using Power BI, incorporating various data visualization techniques to effectively communicate insights from complex datasets.

Upon successful completion, participants will receive an internationally recognized certificate. This includes both digital and printed copies.

*Successful completion entails achieving more than 50% in each assessment, with a minimum attendance of 80%.