Procons Academy

Brand Marketing

Brand Marketing Brand marketing promotes your products or services in a way that highlights your overall brand. The purpose of brand marketing is to connect your identity, values, and personality with effective personalised brand communication to your audience. Basically, your brand is the bridge between your product and your customer. In this article, we will […]

How to use formal and casual communications in the construction industry?

How to use formal and casual communications in the construction industry? Project management led by the project managers is essential for each and every project in theconstruction industry. One of the major characteristics of project management is themanagement of communication within the project. Communication is the transfer of information,where the participants of the project share […]

Vocational Training and Career Guidance Webinar conducted for Youths

Vocational Training and Career Guidance Webinar conducted for Youths Summary; one of the leading recruitment service organizations in the country targeting a niche group in the areas of Technology, Construction, ICT, and industrial sectors; successfully conducted a free Vocational Training and Career Guidance Webinar for youths on Friday, 28 May 2021 from 6.30 pm […]

10 Soft Skills Job Seekers Will Need to Advance Their Careers

10 Soft Skills Job Seekers Will Need to Advance Their Careers Now, you may wonder how you can best prepare for your future career in such a rapidly changing and unpredictable world. Demographic changes, globalization, and digitalization are having a profound impact on how employees are required to perform their jobs in 2020. The soft […]

Plan for Your Future: Tips for Young Professionals

Plan for Your Future: Tips for Young Professionals “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.”– Chinese Proverb The frenetic pace of our digital lives is dizzying! We are constantly on the move!  Too many things to do, people to see and places to go. Of course, […]

Importance of vocational education

Importance of vocational education Vocational education means learning to change one’s behavior to enhance the quality of life through work and values, without or along with formal schooling. If the learning through the vocational approach enhances self-employment and economic productivity of the people then the war against poverty can be fought and conquered in a […]

Why should Engineers and Construction Professionals Learn Data Science

Why should Engineers and Construction Professionals Learn Data Science Background of Data Science Data science can be seen as the method in which a large pool of data extracts the important features and main characteristics to create something useful. A database consists of many “data points” which are key components that are found in a […]